Its an amazing thing. So crossed in space and time I find myself amidst the cliches` coined in a horror movie that I've watched called "Land Of The Dead." I mean give me a break. People walk around either in an ethereal state of bliss oblivious to what is going on in the world or a waining by the minute disregard for anyone except themselves.
Its a waste of breath to think there is a thing I can do to help wake people up to the discouragements that can be solved in united fronts that do best when all people of all creeds, races, religions and sex unite.
In reality we take nothing with us into the next world and in reality I have nothing but my hopes. That's as about as much as a person can really have anyway. When I get frustrated at certain times about the world, society or what-have you, I remember Children.
There is nothing more innocent that reminds us of how simple life can be than the eyes of a Child. Looking back on my life I can say I've made some mistakes but to be around my niece reminds me how simple life can be through the eyes of a child and how important family is. That life has a beginning so innocent and simple and non-judgmental is something everyone dreams to get back to after living life after so many years.
I think it's important, especially during these times that we live in now, to take time to slow down in our lives if our lives are busy or make haste if our lives are slow an effort to shedding light on certain issues like the political specter which is important in all our lives that involves issues like our religious freedoms, the environment, and certain social issues involving the poor and needy that were so prevalent during the 60's.
One of the great problems with society today, in my opinion, is the acceptance of what is considered, "normal," and not looking for something more. That things are the way they are and that is all we can expect or hope for. I feel we can always expect more and if we can't make things better for everyone, we can definitely learn more about each other. We can share those things which give hope to those who have had it worse than others who haven't had the advantages that others have had. What is normal for one person or what is one person's day-to-day isn't indeed the same for the next person but a person's experiences and perspective help when trying to share the joys of accomplishment and the uplifting motivation to reach for making good things out of bad circumstances. Simplicity rather, or life through the eyes of a child.
It's amazing to me how when people talk about religion or speak of Christianity or about God, how they think of how at Church they feel out of place and not accepted or criticized. This is dis-heartening, for in the Bible, in the New Testament it describes in Luke Chapter 14 a, "Great Banquet"that speaks of who is actually invited at the Lord's Table.
This parable that is spoken of in Chapter 14 of Luke says as follows in verse twenty-three: "Then the master told his servant, 'Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.' Then in verse twenty-four: 'I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.'
I would encourage everyone to read this Chapter of the Bible and indeed see that it was not those who were invited that got to partake of the Master's meal, but indeed the poor, needy, crippled, blind and lame. You see the Lord seeks those who need him.
Even the greatest writer in the New Testament writes to a Church during his time, and a teacher of his word: "...Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners-of whom I'm the worst." (1 Timothy 1:15-TNIV).
As much as sinners are as human as those who would call themselves "Christian,"it is important to understand that being Christian doesn't make you any less of a sinner. Nor does it in the eyes of the Lord make you any better than more or less his children. Jesus, God's Son, came for sinners, all of God's Creation.
"...For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."(Romans 3:23) These are the Children of the World, Children of God...we are all sinners, we are all equal and it is through the eyes of a Child we find ourselves not so un-similar. It is together we live and it is in peace and understanding where we should find ourselves working together to solve the problems of today.
I think it's important, especially during these times that we live in now, to take time to slow down in our lives if our lives are busy or make haste if our lives are slow an effort to shedding light on certain issues like the political specter which is important in all our lives that involves issues like our religious freedoms, the environment, and certain social issues involving the poor and needy that were so prevalent during the 60's.
One of the great problems with society today, in my opinion, is the acceptance of what is considered, "normal," and not looking for something more. That things are the way they are and that is all we can expect or hope for. I feel we can always expect more and if we can't make things better for everyone, we can definitely learn more about each other. We can share those things which give hope to those who have had it worse than others who haven't had the advantages that others have had. What is normal for one person or what is one person's day-to-day isn't indeed the same for the next person but a person's experiences and perspective help when trying to share the joys of accomplishment and the uplifting motivation to reach for making good things out of bad circumstances. Simplicity rather, or life through the eyes of a child.
It's amazing to me how when people talk about religion or speak of Christianity or about God, how they think of how at Church they feel out of place and not accepted or criticized. This is dis-heartening, for in the Bible, in the New Testament it describes in Luke Chapter 14 a, "Great Banquet"that speaks of who is actually invited at the Lord's Table.
This parable that is spoken of in Chapter 14 of Luke says as follows in verse twenty-three: "Then the master told his servant, 'Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.' Then in verse twenty-four: 'I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.'
I would encourage everyone to read this Chapter of the Bible and indeed see that it was not those who were invited that got to partake of the Master's meal, but indeed the poor, needy, crippled, blind and lame. You see the Lord seeks those who need him.
Even the greatest writer in the New Testament writes to a Church during his time, and a teacher of his word: "...Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners-of whom I'm the worst." (1 Timothy 1:15-TNIV).
As much as sinners are as human as those who would call themselves "Christian,"it is important to understand that being Christian doesn't make you any less of a sinner. Nor does it in the eyes of the Lord make you any better than more or less his children. Jesus, God's Son, came for sinners, all of God's Creation.
"...For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."(Romans 3:23) These are the Children of the World, Children of God...we are all sinners, we are all equal and it is through the eyes of a Child we find ourselves not so un-similar. It is together we live and it is in peace and understanding where we should find ourselves working together to solve the problems of today.
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